Friday, April 18, 2008


Before I go into details, can you people pls stop forwarding messages to me here? Everytime I click on that "new messages" link I'm actually eagerly expecting to see what my friends want to communicate to me, not:

Original message from AngUs:
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Original message from jOeY yeE:
Original message from xiao wen:
Original message from kydie:
Original message from Joey:
Original message from jenet:
Original message from ' 'be stupid:
Original message from Angel:

Now on to the main topic... For the past few months I've spent helping my father sell toys I've noticed a very perculiar trait that's been programmed into the DNA of every child, that is when they see a car/motorcycle that has a compartment no matter whether its big enough for them to fit into, they feel compelled to step in or ride on and press every button they can find. (you know, like those go-karts that kids ride around on that move at incredibly slow speeds) Its exactly like how men are designed to behave when they see pussy. Wahahahahahahaha!!

...Ahem. Forgive my language, but I really have to say this. Ladies, strip naked and spread your legs in front of any man and he'll feel compelled to stick his dick in. Its a force that's vaguely similar to magnetism. I mean, give a baby Shape_o

this, and he'll know instinctively how to stuff it all into their respectively-shaped holes, give them a go-kart and they'll insinctively step in and turn the steering wheel, give them a mini motorbike and they'll instinctively sit on it and try to turn the handlebar, give a guy a pussy n he'll instinctively try to stuff his little brother in. I mean, this sort of thing is only natural, its pre-programmed, its FROM GOD!! Trying to deny a guy pussy is like trying to deny a child his rights to step into a go-kart n press buttons, its like trying to deny George Bush his rights as president of the United States of America to invade Iraq (ok I admit that's abit fer-fetched), its like trying to deny a girl's rights to go shopping and spend their livetime savings (and their spouse's) in one single day on clothes, its just wrong! Its just the same as denying God! So for God's sake!!! PLEASE DO NOT DENY ANY MAN THE PUSSY HE SO RIGHTFULLY DESERVES!!!

Ignore all that. Sometimes when I encounter parents who buy toys for their children because "its their birthday/its the holiday season/ they did well in class/etc" but they themselves are so poor that they pay using many coins or RM1 for something that costs something as low as RM 29.90, after they pay for the toy they have no money left to take a bus back home, I feel pained when I see them take out all the money they have from their pockets/wallets/hats/socks/underwear. If I were the boss, I'd probably just give it to them. So boys and girls reading this, remember that your parents love you very much, respect them and try not to be rebellious because they are willing to give all they possess in exchange for your happiness.

Well, at least some of them are. The others just suck.

That's all for now, TTFN! See ya! =)

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